Bisla Martial Arts
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Bisla Martial Arts and were last updated on 2/2/24.
Ventilation system
We keep our Doors open and AC running during the summer.
Extra sanitation
All Equipment and Floors are sanitized after the last class of the night.
Equipment policies
Boxing gloves will be provided during your first week trial. We require all members and students to purchase their own Boxing gloves and Shinpads for kickboxing
Buneet Bisla Muay Thai bc champions fight
Buneet Bisla vs Janks Trotter FULL FIGHT | Empire Boxing
Buneet Bisla Demonstrates "The Bisla Right Hand" on Janks Trotter
Buneet Bisla VS Tomas Munkasci - Empire Boxing Promotions Presents THE RESURGENCE - FULL FIGHT
Buneet Bisla vs Javon Blackstock FULL FIGHT - Empire Boxing Promotions Presents RELOADED
Fri, Feb 7
60 min
Ladies kickboxing
60 min
Adults Beginners and Intermediate boxing
75 min
Advanced boxing
Bisla Martial Arts Reviews
4.839 ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare