Beast Mode Fitness
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Beast Mode Fitness and were last updated on 4/1/22.
Ventilation system
We have two large bay doors that allows for excellent ventilation! We also have a completely climate controlled environment.
Extra sanitation
We have a cleaning station where we supply Microban 24 and microfiber cloths for all of our clients to use during their workout and to help us maintain the CLEANEST gym in Katy, Texas!
Limited capacity
Our large group classes have a maximum capacity of 20-25 members. Our small group or specialty classes have a maximum of 8-10 members.
Contactless check-in
We are completely paperless and have barcode scanners on our after hours rear entry and our front desk check in. The barcode is accessible through an app you download on your own mobile device!
Fri, Feb 7
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Beast Mode Fitness Reviews
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How to prepare